How to Keep Spiders Out

Spider season is upon us, which means the pests will be coming into our homes more and more. Whilst they are great for natural fly control and are largely beneficial to the environment, spiders can be a nuisance, and many people are afraid of them. In this guide, you can find out all the information you need to know about spiders, including how to get rid of spiders, spider infestation, and more.

There are approximately 38,000 species of spider worldwide, but only around 650 live in the UK. You will likely only encounter a handful of species of spiders in your home or garden.


Spider Species



False Widow Spiders

Brown bulbous abdomen with pale markings.

7-15mm in length with a leg span of about 35mm

They are nocturnal, and will only bite when they feel threatened. They prefer a dark, warm environment close to their web.

Wolf Spiders

Generally brown to grey in colour.

Adult females are typically 8mm in length and males 6mm.

They hunt at night, and spend the daytime hiding amongst moss and decaying matter.

Giant House Spiders

Mainly brown coloured body with hairy legs and abdomen.

Adult – body length excluding legs for females varies from 11 – 18mm & for males from 10 – 14mm. 

Found in Autumn months inside homes and businesses, usually looking for a mate.

Cellar Spiders/ Daddy Long Legs

Two body parts with very long, thin legs in four pairs. 

Adults are usually 2.5cm in size.

Primarily found on the ceilings of rooms and cellars. They will rapidly shake their web when disturbed.

Zebra Jumping Spiders

Black and white body hair forms their stripes.

Females are typically 5-9mm and males 5-6mm.

They are widespread across the UK. Known for their vision, with eight eyes, including two large front ones.

Spiders in the house are common in the Autumn, when they are looking for somewhere warm to spend the Winter. They like to spend their time in warm areas, and often spin their webs in cracks and crevices in the home. Spiders feed on other insects and prey on ants, flies, woodlice and other spiders, so where there is a plentiful supply of other insects, spiders will wait to find their next meal.

The easiest way to spot a potential spider infestation on your premises is webs, as many of the species of spiders that live in the UK spin them. However, some are free roaming. 

If there are a lot of spiders in your house or business, this could be a sign of a spider infestation. In these cases, you may need to use a domestic pest control or commercial pest control service. Spiders are common in houses throughout early Autumn, and the main reason they come inside is to stay warm and lay their eggs.

Absolutely. If you see a spider in your house, the best way to get rid of it is to trap it under a glass and place it outside.

However, in the case of spider infestation, it is recommended to use a professional service.

There are several natural ways you can deter spiders from your home. Keeping conkers on your windowsills is a common method to deter spiders, but there are other methods you can use, including:

  • Peppermint oil
  • Cinnamon
  • Vinegar
  • Garlic
  • Citrus
  • Eucalyptus
  • Lavender

No matter the method you use, you will never completely deter spiders from entering your house, but natural methods can prevent them from nesting in your home.

The best way to prevent and get rid of spiders is regular vacuuming, both high and low. It is best to concentrate on sheltered spots such as the backs of cupboards, behind furniture, and around any cracks or crevices. Regular removal of webs can also help stop an invasion.

You should also try and keep your home insect free, as spiders feed on other insects, so if you have an abundance of flies, for example, spiders are then more likely to come into your home for the food supply alone.

Whilst home remedies, spider traps, and deterrents work in some cases, if you have an infestation of spiders, the best thing to do to get rid of it is to use a pest control professional.

Spiders feed on insects including flies, woodlice, ants, and other spiders, and they will trap them in their webs until they are ready to eat the insects.

Spiders start mating at the start of Autumn, in September and October, and males will start searching for a mate as soon as the temperature starts to drop. Their eggs are laid into silkenb sacs, and one female spider may produce hundreds or even thousands of eggs in one egg sac at a time. 

Affordable & Effective Spider Infestation Pest Control

Whether in a domestic or commercial property, spiders can be a nuisance despite their contribution to the environment. Many people have a deep fear of spiders, so effective control is key. Throughout York and the North of England, our affordable, effective solutions have helped homeowners and businesses with their spider control problems.

VermEx are a family-owned and operated extermination service based in the North of England. We offer tailored fixed-price service contracts and a fixed-price callout charge. What’s more, we are also registered with the British Pest Control Association Quality Standard, so you know the work we do is effective.

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