Wasp Control
Fast & Effective Pest Control
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About Wasps
Deriving from advanced and sophisticated societies, wasps are excellent habitat architects. With each wasp capable of procreating up to 30,000 offspring every year, the species must build and expand their nests to accommodate the increasing insects in their colony.
Wasps belong to one of three castes – queens, males, and workers. During the spring, the queen wasp emerges from hibernation in search of a suitable nesting spot. After around 30 days, her eggs hatch into female adult workers who continue to build and forage. The queen then leads the colony, emitting pheromones to keep them unified, whilst reproducing 200-300 eggs per day.
Wasps are omnivorous creatures that consume high energy foods such as sugars deriving from flower nectar and fruits. Additional food sources include protein-packed prey found within a variety of garden pests including flies, spiders, and caterpillars.

Wasps live in large colonies in hexagonal ‘paper’ nests constructed by the queen. The nests, which are built from a combination of saliva and chewed wood, are extremely durable and waterproof and share features with other colonies of the same species.
If you have noticed an increasing number of wasps recently, there is a high possibility that a wasp nest is emerging nearby. When wasp nests undergo disturbance due to rising temperatures, overcrowding or even accidental knocks, its inhabitants may, as a result of extreme agitation, sting with little provocation.
If you believe you are encountering a wasp problem, never attempt to remove the wasp nest yourself as you may aggravate the wasps, inducing a dangerous stinging spree. A professional wasp technician should always be consulted as they possess protective equipment, technical knowledge, and a range of professional insecticides, which are not available to the public. Calling in a professional is the most effective approach to protecting you, your family, employees and guests.

While investing in wasp spray may seem like a smart idea, the large number of wasps inhabiting nests may make this counterproductive, placing you at a larger risk. A disturbed nest, housing thousands of insects, is extremely hazardous and requires expertise for safe removal. For effective wasp killer methods, get in touch now to see how we can help you.

VermEx is a family run pest control company with over 30 years of experience in providing professional pest and insect control services to commercial clients across the North of England, including Manchester, York and Leeds.
Here at VermEx, we have extensive experience in professional wasp nest removal. Utilising extremely powerful insecticides available only at industry level, we can successfully prevent future wasp infestations around your property, whether it be your home, business, or any other property.
Contact VermEx today to discuss your pest problem and request a free wasp control quotation.
There are approximately 9,000 wasp species in the UK. Below is a list of some of the most common types of wasps found in the UK.
German Wasps
Also known as Vespula germanica, German wasps are often mistaken for the honeybee. Like the bee, they have a bright yellow and black striped jacket, signifying danger. This wasp species is known to create football-sized nests in the ground or roofs.
European Hornets UK
The European Hornet is the UK’s only native hornet species. Hornets are generally harmless as they are less aggressive than ordinary wasps. However, upon sensing a threat to the colony, will sting the deemed perpetrator with little remorse.
Saxon Wasp
The Saxon wasp bears resemblance to the German wasp in terms of its jacket, however, is much larger. This wasp species tends to nest in readily visible spots such as trees, shrubs, and buildings. Similarly, to European hornets, while they are less aggressive than other wasp species, they will unapologetically attack those who threaten their peace.

In similar fashion to bees, only female wasps possess stingers that are capable of inflicting harm. Unlike bees, however, wasps do not lose their stinger and are, therefore, able to execute several attacks on their victims – making them everyone’s least favourite BBQ guest!

Swelling, redness, inflammation, and itchiness are common symptoms associated with wasp stings and should be treated immediately to prevent a large local reaction. Luckily, wasp sting treatment is relatively simple and accessible.
If stung by a wasp, be sure to firstly disinfect and clean the affected area with soap and water. Then apply an ice pack and if possible, elevate the affected region to minimise any swelling and pain. Avoid scratching the area to reduce the risk of infection and refrain from self-medicating with home remedies such as vinegar or bicarbonate of soda – applying these substances may irritate the skin, exacerbating the condition.
Mild symptoms such as redness and inflammation will gradually improve within hours, whilst more severe reactions may take days to begin the healing process. Those who experience grave side effects may enter a state of anaphylaxis shock – a severe allergic reaction. If difficulty with breathing, dizziness or swelling on the face is experienced after a wasp attack, seeking immediate medical treatment is imperative.

Wasp Control FAQ
Wasps are apex predators with an important ecological role. They are important pollinators who eradicate disruptive garden pests such as flies, spiders and beetles, protecting gardens and props through insect population regulation. Due to their pest controlling skills, wasps are commonly made use of in the agriculture industry to protect farm crops.
No. Despite having acquired a reputation as one of the UK’s most feared pests, wasps are extremely beneficial to humans and should only be exterminated in situations where public health and safety is undermined.
Wasp stings are a defence mechanism. They occur when wasps sense something they consider to be an imminent threat. Unfortunately for humans, when distressed, wasps release pheromones that mark you as an enemy. This then signals surrounding colony members who will rush to their member’s aid. Treating a wasp nest is the most effective wasp control method.
There are several measures you can take to prevent wasp infestations around your home or business. Where possible, seal insect entry spots by securing windows and doors. Be sure to remove any potential food sources, as wasps have an imprinting ability and will often return to the scene of the crime, to search for the fruits of your labour.
Some things, such as comfortably coexisting with wasps, just aren’t meant to be. Luckily for you, we have a refreshing solution! Wasps despise aromatic scents such as spearmint and eucalyptus. These plants can, therefore, act as a natural wasp repellent.
Fast & Effective Pest Control
If you are worried that you may have a wasp nest around your home in the York area, or your business, then please do not hesitate to contact us for professional wasp removal services. Our British Pest Control Association (BPCA) certified Technicians provide safe, effective solutions to manage and eliminate wasps. By using a combination of insect proofing measures and insecticides, we can provide an effective wasp control service that will leave you pest free.
We offer a free site survey for all commercial clients to identify nesting sites, entry points or other problem areas. In addition, we offer a free quote for any work that we would recommend.
Get in touch with VermEx on 01904 798676, by emailing info@vermex.co.uk or by using our contact form for all of your pest control requirements and call in the professionals for fast and effective insect control.